The Global wellness Summit Scotland (2024) and singapore (2019) Keynotes

TEDxAsburypark | Redesigning age

In this talk I suggest that our attitude towards later life needs a reboot at every level and that we have locked ourselves into a culture that is anti-age.

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HIMSS Las Vegas

Speaking at the largest health care event of the year, I was tapped to help health sector professionals on how to increase the effectiveness of their messaging.


Monocle Quality of Life

Speaking on stage in Zurich at the iconic Monocle Quality of Life Conference, along side luxury industry insiders, I was asked to contribute on the Silver is the New Gold, around how the majority of luxury are sold globally are to a discerning consumer rather than youth.


I was honored to be invited to speak as a visiting master at one of the most amazing resorts in Waikiki. My seminar focused on the interplay between wellness and aging. As more and more people continue to find joy later in life, it is important to consider what habits they want to cultivate to encourage long-term happiness.

iconnection San Diego

Post COVID, the value proposition of the spa industry needs to be re-thought to bring in a new customer. Framing offerings as life span optimizing, sleep enhancing, and age abating rather than the usual spa messaging can bring in an entirely new population wanting to be their best for as long as possible. Backing up the talk I brought numerous scientific research charts and studies showing the proven longevity benefits of many existing spa amenities.

White Space NYC

Speaking to an audience of fashion, beauty and consumer products brand managers and creatives around how to activate their most moneyed consumers, while not losing their younger ones.

Mercedes Benz ME conference Stockholm

SXSW in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz invited me to speak at this three-day cross-cultural event uniting technology, design, and creative industries for a critical dialogue about the future. I was asked to contribute around the concept of personal mobility, and the need to re-imagine and re-message from products to be grimly accepted, to more of a desirable performance increasing mindset.


I was invited to share my thoughts on SuperAging and the AGEIST outlook in Kuala Lumpur by one of the largest insurance companies in the world at their annual Global conference. 

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PSFK Consumer Experience NYC

Speaking to an audience of highly influential digitally focused brand professionals interested in new retail and consumer experience trends insights, I framed how reach the new emerging over 50 consumer with products, services and messaging.

Jackson Live

I was very excited to share detailed info about the SuperAging pillars and modern and upcoming advances in healthcare at the Jackson Live event. This year was extra special because after the presentation, we set aside time for guests to have their questions answered and to voice their goals for SuperAging.

WITI virtual summit

A keynote on age and career, with the topic Encore Careers at the WITI Virtual Summit, December 2022. People who have felt boxed in by their career choice for decades are able to discover new vitality by changing professions and upleveling skills. Highlighting the science of why this is possible, and examples from our 8 years of AGEIST of success stories and challenges overcome.

Keynote SMASH in Las Vegas

Bringing fresh thinking to an often moribund sector, I brought to life AGEIST research and solutions. With the US population pyramid due to invert in the the coming decades, the Greatest Generation is being replaced by the more aspirational Boomer Generation, the senior living real estate model needs a total re-think or risk obsolescence.

think La

Think LA is a collective committed to keeping the marketing community connected. With this in mind, I was invited to speak on designing aspirational marketing campaigns that work up and down the age column.  In a market place often obsessed with youth, there are massive opportunities that are currently being missed through unimaginative and false reading comms.


I was brought in to bring a spark and fresh ideas to the company deep in the throes of COVID. The talk centered around our research on how people will be living longer and healthier, and the impact this will have on consumer behavior.


YBL (YOur Best LIFE) Los angeles

Additionally to organizing the event, I opened and closed the sold out inaugural AGEIST conference before an enthusiastic crowd looking for how to engage with the new over 50 consumer.

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Rise and Thrive, Los Angeles

Sponsored by Quaker and Thrive, I was asked to keynote on how we are living in so differently than our parents did at this age, and what are some of the best practices we have found to live one’s best life today.